Where to begin with RC aircraft …
New additions to these pages can be suggested by making a request.
- New member application form
- Membership renewal form (login required)
- NSFC Club Constitution
- Standing Procedures and Flying Rules
- Health and Safety
- Flying at Tharwa and Williamsdale fields:
- CASA Regulations Part 101 and MAAA MOPS apply, see the MAAA website for details
- Flying Rules
- Pilot training manual
- NSFC promotional poster from 2015
- ACTAA constitution and by-laws
- Internal Combustion Engines
- Electric Flight
- Rotary Wings
- Interesting article about the Cars, Tanks and Aircraft of WWII
- Resources for free plans (vintage and modern), build articles and vintage RC magazines, books and catalogues
- Aerofred
- Outerzone
- AMA Plans Service
- RC Bookcase
- RC Library
- The Gruppo Aeormodellistico Falchi Bergamo model aircraft archive
- RC Aircraft Building Resources
- Historic/Vintage aviation resources
History of Radio Modelling
ACT and Aussie RC club websites
Model Building Techniques
NSFC Speed Records
Radio Equipment
Sailplanes, Gliders and Slope Soarers