I finally braved a (re)-maiden of the Infinity Wing today. I planned to try the launch into a headwind, and the conditions were ‘perfect’ – 15-20km/h winds (gusting to 30km/h) coming straight down the strip from the North.
After the last unsuccessful attempt, I moved the CG forward to 34mm forward of the TE of the front wing, and added some down thrust to the motor angle (approx. 0.75mm on the top two bolts of the motor mount).
After worrying for so long, the launch was uneventful. Full throttle, with a decent level throw, and off it went. The plane seemed quite nose heavy, and I ended up adding as much elevator up-trim as I could give it, but otherwise it flew quite well. One tricky thing was the orientation. The rhomboid shape of the wings is a little confusing until you get used to it. The landing went quite well, with no damage at all to the plane. I’m hopeful that with a bit of adjustment of the CG this should be a nice plane to fly.
I didn’t try another launch, as the wind (although helpful for the launch) was quite gusty and turbulent. Next time I’ll try on a calm day.
Sorry there’s no video of the flight, but I didn’t want any distractions for this first flight. I’ll try and get some video from my next flight.

Well done Jeremy. You should get an A+ for persistence after the original maiden and all that 3D printing and then re-rprinting. I’m looking forward to seeing it flying when the conditions are favourable.
Congrats Jeremy. I am looking forward to seeing the X-100 in the air.
Very good Jeremy. I don’t doubt your veracity Jeremy but we do need witnesses! Especially considering the reputation of this beast and past performances. Looking forward to seeing it flying next time we are at the field, probably Friday 9 Sept.
Was planning on flying it again this Friday. Hopefully will get some video of it flying.
Well done Jeremy, I saw the X-100 Infinity Wing flying the other day, highly maneuverable, most impressive, I admire your tenacity !
Regards, Trevor
I should have never doubted Jeremy’s veracity. I have witnessed it and the X-100 Wing flew beautifully!! I am going to upload a video to prove it.