*** UPDATED *** COVID-19 Requirements

Our club has now registered with Check In CBR and has obtained separate QR codes for Williamsdale (Guises Flat) and Tharwa. 

Don Rann has put the QR code for Tharwa inside the BBQ container.

Peter Churchill has attached the Guises Flat poster with the QR code to the exterior of the container door.

This means that from now until the ACT government change the health regulations all members (and any visitors) on arriving at one of the club flying fields must scan the QR code with the Check In CBR app to register their presence. This must be done for each visit. The ACT government public health regulations provide for fines of $1000 for individuals and up to $5000 for organisations for non-compliance. Anyone who is unable to use the Check In CBR app should ask a member who can use it to register their presence.

For Tharwa the key to unlock the BBQ container is in the key safe inside the frequency box. The key should be returned to the key safe as soon as the BBQ container has been unlocked. If you are not sure how to access the key safe see one of the committee members. The first club member to arrive at Tharwa should unlock the BBQ container and the last member to depart should ensure that the container (and frequency box) is locked.

Visitors who fly at either of our club fields must also sign the visitors book to ensure that they meet MAAA requirements including being covered by insurance.