Neil maidened his new BrikStik last Friday. The weather conditions were perfect. The maiden went really well….especially the (unintentional) ...
It Just Needed a Drop More Fuel

It was great flying weather on Tuesday and Gary’s Fokker was flying beautifully until the engine stopped. So near yet so far …
Cows At Tharwa

Some of the mowing folks saw evidence that the farmer has cows in his field adjoining our flying strip but yesterday it was very obvious! The entire strip on the farmer’s side of the electric fence was covered with cow s*%t and there were hoof imprints all over the place on the strip.
When I was packing up after flying I raised the electric fence to its maximum height in the (vain?) hope of discouraging them from coming onto our field. It looked like there were about 50-60 cows waiting to eat.
Cub Cam

Flying my Phoenix Cub, at Tharwa after our AGM, with its Runcam 2 installed to give a “pilots” eye view. It was great flying weather ...
Good day’s flying
Successful Maiden for Gary’s Tundra

Indoor Flying – May 15th
As some of you know I organise a monthly indoor flying sessoin for all people in the ACT and surrounds.
As I cant post to our club facebook page, I thought I should use the weekly forum to let you aknow that it is on this Sunday (15 May) starting at 4:30pm for a couple of hours.
We meet at the Tuggeranong Archery Club and fly in their hall which has an area of about 40m x 20m x 8m, and over the years have had all sorts of models come along, from small racing drones, RC Drift cars, Capacitor powered free flight, EDF jets, Helicopters and 3D aerobatic stuff.
There is really no limit on what people have come along with over the years, but we cant use internal combustion motors, but if you have one of the CO2 beauties we would love to see it, and models should wigh less than 300 grams.
Largest model we have had is a 30″ span biplane called the Gym Dandy though we dont see its owner much any more, the smallest, and 8gram home made 3D model that used to travel down from Yass.
Anyone is welcome, but we ask a $10 fee from pilots to help cover the hall hire.
Where are our Viagra Cup Champions???
Southern Region Electric Glider Competition 2022
Round 1 of our 2022 Southern Region Electric Glider Competition will be held at the Cooma Club field on Sunday 27 February 2022. The event is based on a simple rules format that encourages flyers of varying ability to participate and enjoy the days gliding activity.
The event will again consist of two classes, up to 2.6 meters class and above 2.6 meters to a maximum of 4.0 meters.
We have made some minor rule changes to enhance the event. These are, allowing models in the under 2.6 meter class to fly without a height limiter, to have 30 second motor run, (at CD discretion), above 2.6 meter models must use a height limiter device. The height limiter device to be set for 200 meters or 30 second cutoff.
Please read the rules as below so you are familiar with, this will enhance your enjoyment of the day.
Height limiter devices such as the Soaring Circuits CAM or the Altis V.4 are suitable, there are others available as well.
For these events we need to self-cater for lunches, ie bring your own lunch and drinks. This makes it much easier for the host clubs when we do not know the numbers to cater for. Fruit cake will be served at lunch.
We envisage a 9.45am pilots briefing, 10.00am start time with a lunch break around 12.30pm.Weather permitting we should complete the event by around 3.00pm.
For each event we will award a trophy for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in each class. We will aggregate the scores recorded for the best 3 rounds and award a perpetual Leader Board trophy for the overall year winner. An entry fee will be charged to cover costs.
Event Cancellation & COVID 19 Requirements.
In running this event we must adhere to any Government Health advice regarding COVID 19, ensure 1.5 meter social distancing and personal hand sanitizing. We will have hand sanitizer on site on the day. All flyers and assistants will be required to register name and mobile phone contact number on the day.
For this event we require all flyers and assistants to be double vaccinated, and to be able to show proof of this status.
To deal with the advent of bad weather impacting this event on 27 February 2022, we will make a decision to cancel the event and advise this on Friday night, 25 February 2022 by around 6.00pm.
This advice will be communicated by email, SMS and also put on the Lake George Facebook page.
By doing this we will save flyers and unnecessary trip to Cooma and give them time to rearrange their weekend activities.
Note: We will only issue this advice if the event is cancelled.
The Rules.
- Launching method, electric motor, height limited to 200 meters or 30 seconds.
- All flights will count. No attempts allowed.
Chasing Ray T
It’s QUAD Time
It has been a while since I was out at the Tharwa field. This morning’s conditions was one that could not be let pass by.
Fire Warning Levels For Upcoming Weekend
The ACT fire warning levels for the upcoming weekend …
For the information of club members