UPDATED AGAIN: SIG Flip Glider Mass Launch Now On Sunday 13th March

The SIG Flip glider mass launch is now on next Sunday, March 6th, as part of the club’s February BBQ.

Want to join the fun?

There are still some glider kits available in the club’s container at Tharwa field which take only 30 minutes to build. For each kit just make a $10 donation to the club (the EFT details are on the membership renewal forms – just put “SIG” and your name in the EFT details) or give your money directly to our treasurer Greg Lance.

Do you have a SIG kit at home?

Bring you SIG plane (whole or in pieces) or SIG kit or other SIG memorabilia along to celebrate the SIG Manufacuring’s contribution to our hobby and Hazel Sig’s 100th birthday. Contact Allan Laycock (login required) for more information.