Sept BBQ and Taxiing Comp

So yes there is a BBQ on 29th September and it is combined with a taxiing comp. Any club member can enter the comp with any aircraft (wheels desirable).

View from the starting gate with my 1.8M wingspan glider for scale (and no I’m not entering the glider in the comp!)

It’s a simple course with a centre flag and 4 other flags arranged at 9 o’clock, 11, 1 and 3 o’clock. The course is suitable for all skill levels although larger models will have to be careful to leave plenty of room when circling around the flags. It’s you against the clock.

What do you have to do? Leaving from the Start/Finish gate you have to taxi your model around the central flag and then around #1 flag and back around the centre flag and then head off to the #2 flag. Repeat this for the #3 and #4 flags and then back through the start/finish gate … and do all this as fast as possible. Hopefully the diagram above shows the route a bit more clearly if my description doesn’t do it for you.

The winner on the day is the person who can complete the course in the fastest time. In the event of a tie then the person who hits the least number of flags is the winner.

Your entry must have wings and, if requested, be able to demonstrate the ability to fly.

Entries are made on the day. The judges decision is final, even when it’s wrong. There is no prize just glory and some smugness as you admire you’re own skill.

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