I have attached photos of the planes that Geoff has for sale. There are 4 Great Planes Extras and a Great Planes Ultra Sport. All of these ...
Geoff Pearson Retiring From RC Modelling
You have probably heard that our long time club and committee member Geoff Pearson has decided that now is the right time for him to retire ...
A Great Day For The Club’s Christmas BBQ
The weather on Sunday was just about perfect for the club’s Christmas BBQ. There were plenty of loud shirts …
… sorry didn’t ...
No Smoking At Club Flying Fields
The club’s committee voted at the December Committee meeting to introduce a NO SMOKING policy at both the Williamsdale helicopter flying ...
Christmas BBQ Next Sunday 11/12/2022
The club’s Christmas BBQ is on next Sunday, December 11th 2022, at Tharwa Field. There will be ...
Weather Station removed for upgrade
Cows At Tharwa
Some of the mowing folks saw evidence that the farmer has cows in his field adjoining our flying strip but yesterday it was very obvious! The entire strip on the farmer’s side of the electric fence was covered with cow s*%t and there were hoof imprints all over the place on the strip.
When I was packing up after flying I raised the electric fence to its maximum height in the (vain?) hope of discouraging them from coming onto our field. It looked like there were about 50-60 cows waiting to eat.
How To Check The Weather For Tharwa Field
At some time I guess we’ve all experienced the difference between what the weather is like at our home and what it is like when we get ...
Requirement to Open the Tharwa Clubhouse
A notice has been put up at the Tharwa field informing members that they must open the clubhouse whenever they are at the ...
Cub Cam 2
This is from a couple of weeks ago when the weather was dryer and we were all a little bit younger!
I was flying my Phoenix Cub and having ...
For Sale – E-Flite Conscendo Evolution Electric Glider
Asking $250 for this E-Flite Conscendo 1.5m electric glider, BNF Basic. It’s an unwanted gift and only flown once – without crashing I should add.
I added stickers to the bottom side of the main wings for visibility. Also added clear and light servo arm covers. Otherwise, it’s pretty much “as new”.
The Modelflight website includes that this glider “has evolved with a 3S and 4S compatible power system along with a stiffer and stronger airframe. This RC glider can easily handle fun flying to 3D aerobatics and everything in-between”.
Please call or text me on 0412 293 353 if interested. Cheers, James
Crisis averted…!
In the last few weeks, I’ve come to the awful realization that I’ve run out of storage space for planes! This is not good, as I’ve still got a long list of planes to print.
My wife’s suggestion of retiring some planes (as absurd as this seems) was starting to look like a reality.
But then I had an epiphany. Why get rid of planes, when my storage system could be completely re-designed to make it more efficient.
I spent a few days thinking about a better storage system, and decided to model it on the system I have in our living room for displaying my micro balsa RC planes (see photo). Two of the main criteria, other than being able to fit more planes, was a system that allows easy access, and that can be adjusted to suit the size and number of planes.
I decided on storage racks that are hung from aluminium tubing, which can be slid along the tube to suit the planes sizes, and have holes for the hangers, which can be re-positioned up and down, again to suit the size of the planes.
The early signs are very good. A rough estimate suggests I can fit at least twice as many planes – the old ‘system’ stored about 17 planes, and the new system currently has 34 planes, and there’s still room for a few more. Plus, it seems like the planes are much easier to access.
Now….it’s time to plan the next planes to print and assemble!