Spot Landing Competition and BBQ

NSFC Tharwa Field Naas Road, Tharwa, Australian Capital Territory, Australia

Now for something completely different, our May BBQ is being held on Sunday 26th May 2024 and will run in conjunction with a Spot Landing competition. The BBQ is free to all club members and their guests. The Spot Landing comp is open to all club members and all aircraft types (except those capable of

NSFC Committee Meeting

Calwell Club 1 Were St, Calwell, ACT, Australia

Committee meetings of Namadgi Sports Flyers Club are held each month except January on the 2nd Monday of the month. The next meeting is on 14 Oct 2024 at the Calwell Club, 1 Were St, Calwell starting at 7:30pm. If you want to eat before the meeting a table has been booked from 6:15pm.

Working Bee

NSFC Tharwa Field Naas Road, Tharwa, Australian Capital Territory, Australia

There is a working bee at Tharwa field on Tuesday 19 Nov starting at 10am. The purpose of hte working bee is to repair the pergola and replace the shade cloth.

Australia Day BBQ and Bomb Drop Comp

NSFC Tharwa Field Naas Road, Tharwa, Australian Capital Territory, Australia

The club is organising a BBQ at Tharwa flying field on Sunday, January 26th together with a Bomb Drop comp. Anyone can enter even heli's as long as they do not hover when dropping the bomb. There are no entry fees and the BBQ is free to members and their guests.