To put it all together see the Brigadier build page
Berkley Brigadier Old Timer Build Page

Allan has been harassing (in a nice way) some in the club to build an old timer and has sourced plans, build article, engines and is walking ...
Rebuilding a Fibreglass Cowling
This is my latest COVID-19 project and its turned into a real saga. Once upon a time a few years ago I had a very pretty Phoenix MXS in red, ...
Another COVID Project
Learning how to use my DIY CNC Router. The goal was to build a router that I can use to cut plywood and balsa parts. I worked up the dimensions ...
Every lockdown has a silver lining….part II
The 3D printing has been going very well. Have now nearly finished two more planes since my last post.
One is called the Graywing from Eclipson ...
2 for the price of one – newsletters from around and about …

Two more newsletters courtesy of Allan, from the US we have SAM #348 which has some interesting howto articles as well as some vintage engines ...
Sticks and Tissue No. 159

Allan has sent in the latest issue of Sticks and Tissue and commented that it has “… lots of stuff about mylar and tissue covering”. ...
Detailing Scale Models – Online Article
Free Downloads Of Older RC Magazines
For the builders amongst you I expect that you are familiar with Outerzone and Aerofred as online sources for free plans but I just came across ...
Sticks and Tissue No. 157

I received this is from Allan earlier this month but have been a bit slow posting it to the forum, enjoy
FLAT OUT RC Ceases Publication
After 10 issues Australia’s only(?) print magazine focused on RC topics has ceased publication. I think this is a sad day for our hobby ...
@namadgisfc Twitter Account
Did you know that Namadgi Sports Flyers has a Twitter account @namadgisfc? Follow us on Twitter, we tweet about club events, ESA Fireban ...